ex Yandex, VEON, Ozon, Modulbank

UK Exceptional Global Talent

Case Study

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Briskly Cart

A smart shopping cart that combines traditional shopping with advanced technology to avoid queues

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Yandex Mail

AI power to show users important emails in an inbox cluttered with hundreds of unread messages

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Yandex Disk

An app within the Yandex 360 ecosystem simplifies viewing photos and videos on a big screen


Product Design ・ Strategy ・ 0→1 Projects ・ Branding ・ Leadership




Yandex 360, an all-in-one virtual office with a broad range of services for efficient workflows: Mail, Cloud storage, Documents, Calendar, Video calls, Messenger, Notes ● 2022–2024


The new Yandex 360 logo embodies a dynamic and vibrant design, symbolising satellites and planets in a solar system. It represents the interconnected nature of Yandex 360's services, such as Mail, Disk, Telemost, and Documents, forming a cohesive system for communication, data storage, work, and daily tasks. Each service is interlinked, akin to the rounded elements in the logo. The color palette reflects this technological integration: orange for personal capabilities, digital lavender for technology, and black for the strength of the B2B brand. This new style visually and functionally unifies Yandex 360's services, enhancing user recognition of its advanced ecosystem.